Conference Activity
23. U. Aydemir, “Thermoelectrics for Solid State Cooling and Waste Heat Energy Harvesting”,
Interdisciplinary Symposium for Up-and-coming Materials Scientists, June 8-9, 2017, Osaka, Japan
(Invited Speaker)
22. U. Aydemir, A. Zevalkink, S. Bux, G. J. Snyder, “Chain-Forming Zintl Phases as Promising
Thermoelectric Materials”, 14th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, September 20-23, 2016,
Lisbon, Portugal (Invited speaker)
21. U. Aydemir, “Thermoelectrics as Functional Materials for Waste Heat Energy Harvesting”, Science
Seminar, April 20, 2016, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey (Oral)
20. U. Aydemir, J.‐H. Poehls, H. Zhu, G. Hautier, Z. M. Gibbs, G. Li, S. Bajaj, D. Broberg, W. Chen, A.
Jain, M. A. White, M. Asta, K. A. Persson, G. Ceder, G. J. Snyder, “Experimental and Computational Investigation of XYZ2 Compounds (e.g., TmAgTe2 and YCuTe2) as a New Group of Thermoelectric Materials”, 2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, November 29 – December 4, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (Oral)
19. U. Aydemir, J.‐H. Poehls, S. Bajaj, H. Zhu, Z. M. Gibbs, A. Jain, G. Hautier, G. J. Snyder, “ YCuTe2:
A promising novel thermoelectric material”, 34th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics & 13TH European Conference on Thermoelectrics, June 28 - July 2, 2015, Dresden, Germany (Oral)
18. U. Aydemir, “Thermoelectrics: From Waste Heat into Electricity”, Science Seminar, April 30, 2015, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey (Oral)
17. U. Aydemir, A. Zevalkink Williams, S. Chanakian, S. Bux, G. J. Snyder, “Thermoelectrics: From
Waste Heat into Electricity”, 5th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress & Exhibit, April 15-19, 2015, Mugla, Turkey (Invited speaker, member of scientific committee)
16. U. Aydemir, A. Zevalkink, A. Ormeci, S. Bux, G. J. Snyder, “ Zintl Thermoelectrics for Power
Generation in Space”, Nuclear and Emerging Technologies in Space 2015 (NETS), February 23-26, 2015, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (Oral)
15. U. Aydemir, A. Zevalkink Williams, S. Bux, G. J. Snyder, “Thermoelectric Properties of the Zintl
Phases in the System Ba-In-Sb”, 2014 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, November 30 – December 5, 2014, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (Oral)
14. U. Aydemir, A. Zevalkink Williams, S. Bux, G. J. Snyder, “Thermoelectric Properties of the Zintl
Phases in the Systems Ba-Zn-Sn and Ba-Ga-Sb”, International Conference on Thermoelectrics, July 6-10, 2014, Nashville, Tennessee, USA (Oral)
13. U. Aydemir, M. Baitinger, Yu. Grin, “Phase Formation of the Clathrate BaGe5”, The 9th Workshop on
Reactive Metal Processing, February 21-22, 2014, Pasadena, California, USA (Poster).
12. U. Aydemir, C. Candolfi, A. Ormeci, L. Akselrud, M. Baitinger, Yu. Grin, “Thermoelectric Properties
of the Clathrate BaGe5”, 2012 MRS Spring Meeting, April 9 – 13, 2012, San Francisco, California, USA (Poster).
11. U. Aydemir, “BaGe5: A new type of intermetallic clathrate”, Baltic Boat Conference, June 18 – 21,
2010, Baltic Sea (Oral).
10. U. Aydemir, H. Borrmann, C. Hébert, L. T. K. Nguyen, U. Burkhardt, M. Baitinger, Yu. Grin,
“Existence Region of Type-I Clatrates in the System Ba – Ni – Ge”, 25th European Crystallographic Meeting, August 16 – 21, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey (Poster).
9. U. Aydemir, N. T. K. Lien, J. Custers, R. Höfler, F. Widder, H. Borrmann, W. Schnelle, C. Hebert, B.
Lenoir, C. Candolfi,, E. Alleno, C. Godart, M. Baitinger, S. Bühler-Paschen, Yu. Grin, “Synthesis and transport properties of the type-I clathrates Ba8Ni3.8+xGe42.2–x (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4)”, 28th International / 7th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, July 26 – 30, 2009, Freiburg, Germany (Poster).
8. U. Aydemir, H. Borrmann, “Synthesis and crystal growth of ZnSiP2 and FeSi for experimental charge density analyses”, DFG Meeting: Proposal Colloquium SPP 1178, February 4 – 5, 2009, Kloster Banz, Germany (Poster).
7. U. Aydemir, “X-ray Powder Diffraction”, Sigma 5 Common PhD Seminer: X-Ray Methods in Solids,
July 17, 2008, Dresden, Germany (Oral).
6. U. Aydemir, S. Leoni, H. Borrmann, W. Schnelle, U. Burkhardt, Y. Prots, M. Baitinger,
“TaNiSi: A preparation route to refractory compounds”, Advanced Processing for Novel Functional Materials – APNFM 2008, January 23 – 25, 2008, Dresden, Germany (Poster).
5. U. Aydemir, “General overview about the CMA project Ba8(NixGey£z)Ge40 (x + y + z = 6)”, CMA
Meeting, November 18 – 19, 2007, TU WIEN, Austria (Oral).
4. U. Aydemir, A. Ormeci, H. Borrmann, W. Schnelle, P. Simon, W. Carrillo-Cabrera, M. Baitinger and
Yu. Grin, “Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity of the Metallic Zintl Phase Ba3Si4”, 11th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry, September 11 – 13, 2007, Caen, France (Poster)
3. U. Aydemir, “Sample Preparation and Phase Range Investigations on Ba8NixGe46−x clathrates”, CMA
Meeting, October 23 – 25, 2006, TUWIEN Vienna, Austria (Oral).
2. U. Aydemir, M. Baitinger, Yu. Grin., “Investigation of the Ternary Clathrates of Ba8(NixGey£z)Ge40 (x
+ y + z = 6)”, 20th National Chemistry Congress, September 4 – 8, 2006, Kayseri, Turkey (Poster)
1. U. Aydemir, “Ni substituted Ge clathrates”, Baltic Boat Conference, May 2006 Stockholm, Sweden
Presented by Colleagues
15. J.-H. Pohls, U. Aydemir, H. Zhu, G. Hautier, S. Bajaj, A. Jain, W. Chen, G. J. Snyder, M. A. White,
“Computational and Experimental Investigations of a Novel Class of High-Performance Thermoelectric
Compounds”, Institute for Research in Materials Annual General Meeting and Research Day, June 28,
2016, Halifax, Canada (Poster)
14. S. Ohno, U. Aydemir, A. Zevalkink, S. Chanakian, S. Bux, G. J. Snyder, “Ca9Zn4+xSb9 Zintl phase as a
cheap, non-toxic thermoelectric material with tunable carrier concentration”, The 35th International
Conference & The 1st Asian Conference on Thermoelectrics, May 29-June 2, 2016, Wuhan, China
13. S. Ohno, U. Aydemir, S. D. Kang, G. J. Snyder, “RCuTe2 (R = Y, Dy): a new class of thermoelectric
materials with CuTe4-based layered structure”, The 35th International Conference & The 1st Asian
Conference on Thermoelectrics, May 29-June 2, 2016, Wuhan, China (Poster)
12. S. Bux, A. Zevalkink, D. Uhl, U. Aydemir, Y. Hu, T. Vo, P. Von Allmen, G. J. Snyder, S. Kauzlarich,
J.‐P. Fleurial, “Structure‐thermoelectric properties relationships in Yb‐Mn‐Sb Zintl phases”, 34th Annual
International Conference on Thermoelectrics & 13th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, June 28
- July 2, 2015, Dresden, Germany (Oral)
11. S. Chanakian, A. Zevalkink, U. Aydemir, Z. Gibbs, G. Pomrehn, J.-P. Fleurial, S. Bux, G. J. Snyder,
“High Temperature Thermoelectric Characterization of Zn‐doped Sr5In2Sb6 and Eu5In2Sb6”, 34th Annual
International Conference on Thermoelectrics & 13th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, June 28
– July 2, 2015, Dresden, Germany (Poster)
10. A. Zevalkink, K. Star, U. Aydemir, G. J. Snyder, J.‐P. Fleurial, S. Bux, T. Co, P. von Allmen,
“Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of Pnictogen‐Substituted ASn1.5Te1.5 (A =Co, Rh,
Ir) Skutterudites”, 34th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics & 13th European
Conference on Thermoelectrics, June 28 - July 2, 2015, Dresden, Germany (Poster)
9. S. Ohno, U. Aydemir, S. Chanakian, S. K. Bux, G. J. Snyder “Thermoelectric properties of cheap,
non‐toxic Zintl phase: Ca9Zn4+xSb9”, 34TH Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics & 13TH European Conference on Thermoelectrics, June 28 - July 2, 2015, Dresden, Germany (Oral)
8. M. Ikeda, U. Aydemir, M. Baitinger, R. Cardoso, J. Custers, R. Höfler, L.T.K. Nguyen, F. Widder, Yu.
Grin, and S. Paschen,” Transport properties of type-I clathrate compounds”, 1st International Conference on Complex Metallic Alloys and their Complexity, October 4 – 7, 2009, Nancy, France (Poster).
7. L. T. K. Nguyen, U. Aydemir, M. Baitinger, J. Custers, A. Haghighirad, R. Höfler, K. D. Luther, F.
Ritter, Yu. Grin, W. Assmus, and S. Paschen, “Physical Properties of Single Crystalline Clathrate I Ba8Ni3.5Ge42£0.5”, 28th International / 7th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, July 26 – 30, 2009, Freiburg, Germany (Poster).
6. M. Baitinger, U. Aydemir, H. Borrmann, C. Candolfi, W. Carrillo-Cabrera, N.T.K. Lien, N. Oeschler,
I. Veremchuk, S. Bühler-Paschen, Yu. Grin, “Point defects and physical properties of clathrates”, 28th International / 7th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, July 26 – 30, 2009, Freiburg, Germany (Poster).
5. R. Höfler, T.K.L. Nguyen, U. Aydemir, J. Custers, M. Baitinger, Yu. Grin, W. Assmus, S. Paschen,
“Resistivity and Hall Measurements on the Clathrate-System Ba8Ni4Ge42”, ARW Workshop on Correlated Thermoelectrics: Properties and Applications of Thermoelectric Materials, September 20 – 26, 2008, Hvar, Croatia (Poster).
4. C. Hébert, B. Bartova, M. Cantoni, U. Aydemir, and M. Baitinger, Characterization of Ge-based
clathrates oxidized in air by means of TEM and SEM, 14th European Microscopy Congress, September 1 – 5, 2008, Aachen, Germany (Oral).
3. M. Sakaliyska, U. Aydemir, S. Scudino, M. Baitinger, K. B. Surreddi, Yu. Grin, J. Eckert, “Mechanical
Milling of Ba8NixGe46–x Clathrates”, Advanced Processing for Novel Functional Materials – APNFM 2008, January 23 – 25, 2008, Dresden, Germany (Oral).
2. S. Acar, I. Kokal, M. Somer, P. Höhn, U. Aydemir, R. Cardoso-Gil and L. Akselrud, “Na2[BH4][NH2]:
A Novel complex hydride in NaNH2-NaBH4 system; Syntheses, Crystal structures, Thermal Analyses, Mass and Vibrational Spectra”, 11th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry, W49, September 11 – 13, 2007, Caen, France (Poster).
1. I. Kokal, M. Somer, U. Aydemir, W. Carrillo-Cabrera, Y. Prots, W. Schnelle, “Li0.42Eu3[B3N6]:
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Vibrational Spectroscopy and Magnetic Properties”, 11th European
Conference on Solid State Chemistry, W39, September 11 – 13, 2007, Caen, France (Poster).